Health Assessment(Chinese Edition)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9787030211767

Paperback. Pub Date: 2008 Pages: 398 Language: Chinese. English Publisher: Science Press 21 medical colleges and teaching materials. medical colleges and planning materials: health assessment around the collection and recording of assessment object health information is the main line. divided into 11 chapters. Common method to introduce health assessment of Chapter 2 and 3 describes the content of health information on the basis of common symptoms from Chapter 4. Chapter 5. in accordance with a head to toe order system assessment. Chapter 6. psychosocial assessment. Chapter 7 of the assessment of special populations and Chapter 8. ECG. Chapter 9 laboratory check to the Chapter 10 Medical imaging tests. the system main. objective data collection and abnormal data. clinical significance of the above information. analysis and judgment collate and record health information in Ch...