Playwright"s Survival Guide: Keeping the Drama in Your Work and Out of Your Life

Price 14.75 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780325001654

The Playwright"s Survival Guide is written for both aspiring and established writers looking for an emotional, spiritual, or just plain practical connection back to what"s important - the writing. It"s a "how-to-be" book - with thoughts, stories of inspiration, a few tricks of the trade, a few outlets for venting frustrations, and a reassuring voice that speaks to all the doubts with an "I know. I"ve been there. This is what you do . . ." Gary Garrison demystifies the playwriting process, speaking honestly, poignantly, and with humor about the lessons he"s learned along the way. He explores the issues playwrights face every day, including: inspiration criticism self-doubt relationships with teachers and mentors the art of self-promotion writer"s block staying healthy in the art after your fingers are off the keyboard.