Playwright"s Survival Guide: Keeping the Drama in Your Work and Out of Your Life
Price 14.75 USD
The Playwright"s Survival Guide is written for both aspiring and established writers looking for an emotional, spiritual, or just plain practical connection back to what"s important - the writing. It"s a "how-to-be" book - with thoughts, stories of inspiration, a few tricks of the trade, a few outlets for venting frustrations, and a reassuring voice that speaks to all the doubts with an "I know. I"ve been there. This is what you do . . ." Gary Garrison demystifies the playwriting process, speaking honestly, poignantly, and with humor about the lessons he"s learned along the way. He explores the issues playwrights face every day, including: inspiration criticism self-doubt relationships with teachers and mentors the art of self-promotion writer"s block staying healthy in the art after your fingers are off the keyboard.