Dirección (Steering)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781449693107

Dirección (Steering) features ground-breaking 3-D computer generated videos, interactive animations, and superior quality illustrations to provide both theoretical and practical explanation of automotive system topics for Spanish speaking students. Like many textbooks, Dirección (Steering) contains hundreds of “pages” of content to help students understand steering. Unlike printed textbooks, the Electromechánica de Vehículos series is filled with cutting-edge tools designed to cater to today’s visually orientated students, including: •Over 500 3-D computer generated videos •Over 1,050 animations •Over 4,500 images Available individually or as an 8-CD series, Electromechánica de Vehículos offers the following discs: •Motores (Engines) •Sistemas de Transmisión y Frendado (Transmissions and Brakes) •Sistemas de Carga y Arranque (Starting and Charging Systems) •Mechanizado Básico (Basic Machining) •Sistemas de Seguridad y Comfortabilidad (Safety and Comfort) •Systemas Auxiliares del Motor (Auxiliary Engine Systems) •Circuitos Eléctricos Auxiliares (Auxiliary Electric Circuits) •Dirección (Steering) For more information on Electromechánica de Vehículos, including a detailed list of contents within each disc, please contact your CDX Account Manager: www.cdxauto.com/ContactUs.