The Three Ravens: A Cheyenne Tribe"s Story

Price 16.95 - 19.78 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781448987948

Brand SELF

The Three Ravens is an Indian adventure, without the horrors of war, and has little violence other than that of natural events that occur when living with nature in the bounds of their culture. The Indians have a goal of finding a place to live in peace, without the influences of the approaching white men and away from the plight of other Indian nations. These Indians, the Black Dog tribe of the Cheyenne Nation, are bound and determined to keep their way of life. This is the story of what happened as they made the way to reaching their goal, where war is not an option. This book has taken a great deal of research to be as factual as possible. As far as I’m concerned none of the characters are real then or now. They come only from my mind.