Being A Broad in Japan: Everything a Western woman needs to survive and thrive

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9784990079109

“My encyclopedia, my translator, my phone book, my best friend!” —Western woman living in Japan Being A Broad in Japan includes everything you need to make the most out of your life: case studies of Western women working in almost 50 different types of jobs; anecdotes from many of the 200 Western women interviewed; profiles of 23 women’s organisations; essential Japanese words and phrases; and indispensable resource sections listing telephone numbers and Websites for English-speaking housing agencies, banks, doctors, dentists, gynaecologists, therapists, lawyers, maternity classes, day care centres, employment agencies, labour unions, graduate schools, and MORE. An essential book for any Western woman living in Japan. Read about: • Coping with culture shock. • Finding clothes and shoes that fit. • Avoiding hair disasters. • Cooking Japanese food. • Telling a chikan where to go. • Dating and the singles scene. • Organising contraception. • Getting married and divorced. • Adopting a baby. • Educating your child. • Finding a job. • Teaching gender studies in the English-language classroom. • Coping with reverse culture shock when you leave Japan.