Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin, 1971-95 (Jumbo Series) (English and German Edition)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783822886373

In 1977 the "wrap" artist Christo, famous for both his wrapped Roman wall and his Running Fence in northern California, proposed to wrap Germany"s Reichstag--the first of three proposals to be turned down. In 1994, after a vote by the German parliament, Christo"s fourth proposal to wrap the building was accepted. Wrapped Reichstag depicts the trials and tribulations, meetings, drawings, and conversations that led to the acceptance of Christo"s plan. Simple chronologies give important dates in both English and German, and giant, play-by-play photographs chronicle the years of effort involved in the project"s production and completion, testaments to the tenacity of all involved. Completed on June 24, 1995, the Reichstag stayed wrapped for 14 days. Photographs of the wrapped building from all angles at all times of day and night give the reader a clear idea of the finished work"s grandeur.