Encyclopaedia medica Volume 8
Price 42.04 - 43.87 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1901 Excerpt: ...for doubting the correctness of the common opinion that alcoholic beverages, especially spirits, are capable of producing peripheral neuritis apart from arsenic as an impurity. To be strictly logical, it has not been definitely proved that pure ethyl alcohol produces peripheral neuritis in man, since no one takes pure ethyl alcohol as a beverage. Whether the ethyl alcohol or some organic impurity, such as furfural, is the chief toxic agent in the production of neuritis from spirit drinking remains to be decided. But until it has been clearly shown that ethyl alcohol is not the cause, it appears justifiable to describe by the name alcoholic neuritis all those cases of peripheral neuritis from the drinking of alcoholic beverages, in which there is no evidence of the presence of any other poison known to be capable of producing neuritis. Symptoms.--The onset is usually somewhat gradual or subacute, rarely rapid. Thepatientcomplainsof numbness and tingling (or of "pins-and-needles sensation ") in the toes and fingers, which also feel " dead." He suffers from cramps especially in the calf muscles, and from gnawing or tearing pains in the limbs, especially in the legs. The pains are increased by movements and by pressure. When the muscles of the calf are grasped great pain is produced (muscular hyperalgesia). Sometimes touching the skin produces pain. Often there is hyperaesthesia, especialy of the feet, which renders walking difficult. Slight constitutional disturbance, with a little elevation of temperature, may be present for a short time just at the commencement of the affection. Soon signs of muscular weakness are noted in addition to the sensory symptoms. The toes become " dropped," and there is difficulty in extending them. Th...