Employment Law and Practice

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781860721823

"Employment Law and Practice" is a single volume looseleaf manual that provides detailed guidance on every aspect employment law. From getting the recruitment process right to implementing friendly working practices, through to dismissal, redundancy and transfer of undertakings, "Employment Law and Practice" has it covered. There is detailed guidance on every aspect of employment law. It has practical advice and procedures for all key areas - from implementing friendly working practices, through to dismissal and redundancy. It is up to date with all the latest developments in employment law. It is written by experts in the field of employment law and practice. The consequences of failing to comply with ever-evolving employment legislation can be severe in terms of lost time defending a claim and the resulting financial compensation awards. All employers need to be mindful of the necessity to always follow correct procedure in employment matters. "Employment Law and Practice" is an invaluable resource for employers to ensure correct procedures are taken. It helps you to ensure that you have the measures in place to prevent claims arising in the first instance, and to defend them if they do. Why do you need "Employment Law and Practice"? Whether you are dealing with permanent, contract, full-time or part-time staff, "Employment Law and Practice" provides you with authoritative, comprehensive and easy-to-use guidance on establishing systems of best practice for your workforce. You will find steps and procedures to help you deal fairly with employees and minimise the risk of claims being brought against your organisation. It offers a practical approach. Written in plain English, "Employment Law and Practice" provides explanation of UK employment law and its interaction with case law and related legislation such as the Human Rights Act 1998. It will help you answer the questions that might arise in your day-to-day work such as: How do I calculate working time? Do I have to grant requests for flexible working? What should be included in the health and safety policy document? What should be recorded in interview notes? How can I fairly dismiss an employee? Stress in the workplace - what are my responsibilities? I want to change an employees job description - can I do this? What criteria should be used in selection for redundancy?