Visiting Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Visitors to Glasgow in search of Mackintosh"s buildings will have little difficulty in finding the School of Art, or even The Hill House at Helensburgh. But where are the tea rooms, the Art Club, the Daily Record building, Ruchill Church Hall? And outside Glasgow, where is Auchenibert, Windyhill, all of the gravestones? This guide will lead you to them, with access details and a commentary on each entry by Roger Billcliffe, author of several standard works on Mackintosh. Each entry is accompanied by recent or contemporary photographs, full addresses and directions and, for those difficult to find commissions, a full GPS location. Mackintosh is not just about Glasgow and this book covers all the surviving sites, from East Wemyss in Fife through to Argyll in the west, Comrie in Perthshire and Mackintosh"s few English commissions in Northampton, London and Sussex. An indispensable addition to the Mackintosh literature.