In the Matter of Nikola Tesla: A Romance of the Mind

"It is a monumental task, this getting into the mind of a man as complex and extraordinary as Tesla. Anthony Flacco is up to the task. In the Matter of Nikola Tesla: A Romance of the Mind reads at times like a psychological exploration worthy of Dostoyevsky, at other times like one of John le Carre"s espionage novels, and even sometimes like Joseph Campbell"s mythical "hero"s journey." -NY Journal of Books "Anthony Flacco"s In the Matter of Nikola Tesla is really fascinating--especially for me as I"ve been very interested in Nikola Tesla for many years. I believe Tesla was one of the most special characters of last century. I hope that this book will soon become a film!" --Mario Spezi, NY Times Bestselling Author, The Monster of Florence Anthony Flacco"s fictionalized biography, In the Matter of Nikola Tesla: A Romance of the Mind, presents a unique hypothesis, that Tesla was inspired and perhaps haunted by a muse, the soul of a woman whom he had loved and who had died in his youth. Flacco presents a meticulously detailed account of Tesla"s life; of his achievements--including being the first person to invent radio, the Tesla coil, and of course the transmission of alternating current electricity; of his relationships--including his friendship with Mark Twain and his financial rescue of George Westinghouse; of his idiosyncrasies, which were endless and reflected severe obsessive-compulsive disorder; of his rivalry with Thomas Edison; and of Tesla"s unique qualities of honor and honesty. If you are fascinated by genius and by eccentricity, Nikola Tesla is an historical character who will enthrall. If you like your biographies well written and quick moving, Anthony Flacco has provided just your cup of tea. --Kenneth Weene, co-host of It Matters Radio and author This account of the inner life of Nikola Tesla is a work of speculative fiction that reveals a genius whose greatest desire was to share his inventions with the world. It offers a compelling portrait of his passionate side, especially his secret love for his muse Karina, a woman no one else can see. Tesla"s love and obsession with Karina are the forces driving his work and motivating him in the face of a doubting world. Tesla maintains a loner"s life while working alongside some of the greatest financial and scientific powerhouses of the age, and faces constant temptation to stray from Karina and his life"s work. This portrait of a larger-than-life genius brings to light his very human side.