Home Care Nursing: Using an Accreditation Approach

Price 70.95 - 89.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781401852337

Home Care Nursing: Using an Accreditation Approach, is an overview of home care, from the time a client enters the home care system to the time the client is discharged. You can be confident that Home Care Nursing offers you the solid foundation you need, as the entire book is based on the categories of The Joint Commission (formerly JCAHO), which sets forth accreditation standards for all home care organizations. This comprehensive resource is organized into two parts. Part I, Clinical Operations and Client Care, covers the history of home care and hospice, outlines the home care visit, and includes such topics as safety, infection control, and client and family education. Part II, Administrative Operations, addresses the essential topics of a successful home care organization. This section begins with leadership and progresses to topics related to legal and ethical issues, quality improvement, and technology.