Screw Business As Usual (Hardcover)

Price 18.63 - 26.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781591844341

RICHARD BRANSON, one of the world"s most famous and admired business leaders, argues that it"s time to turn capitalism upside down-to shift our values from an exclusive focus on profit to also caring for people, communities and the planetAs he writes: "It"s a vibrant and definite sea change from the way business was always done, when financial profit was a driving force. Today, people aren"t afraid to say, Screw business as usual!-and show they mean it."It"s amazing how I keep coming across the same message, from bustling global cities to the townships of South Africa to small villages in India to G8 climate conferences."It"s no coincidence that so many people are talking about the same thing. There"s a real buzz in the air. Change is happening."People often associate me with challenges, with trying to break records while sailing the Atlantic or flying in a jet stream in a balloon or going into space with Virgin Galactic. But this book isn"t just about fun and adventure and exceeding one"s wildest dreams. It"s a different kind of business book. It"s about revolution. My message is a simple one: business as usual isn"t working. In fact, business as usual is wrecking this planet. Resources are being used up; the air, the sea, the land are all heavily polluted. The poor are getting poorer. Many are dying of starvation or because they can"t afford a dollar a day for lifesaving medicine."But my message is not all doom and gloom. I will describe how I think business can help fix things and create a more prosperous world for everyone. I happen to believe in business because I believe that business is a force for good. By that I mean that doing good is good for business."Doing the right thing can be profitable. I will show how this works step by step in the following pages. It"s the core message of this book. I often say, "Have fun and the money will come." I still believe that, but now I am saying, "Do good, have fun and the money will come."