The God File (Hardcover)
Price 19.55 USD
Gabriel Black finds himself sentenced to prison for life without the possibility of parole for a murder he did not commit. In a twisted sense of honor, he takes responsibility for the action of a woman he loves and pays for it with his freedom. One day in the prison library Gabriel reads about a man with a wonderful family and a successful career who finds that he has been cured of cancer—thus proving, the author says, the existence of God. Gabriel is unmoved. A truer test of God’s existence would be to find proof of Him in a disgusting corner of the world like prison, without hope, surrounded by violence, hatred, and indifference. Gabriel starts a file where he can store any evidence of the divine he comes across no matter how unseemly. In brutal, honest language, he uncovers himself and the world while surviving in a hopeless hole, swimming in angry memories and regret.