Price 9.69 - 24.92 USD
Promoting intelligent political discourse through their music, Citizen Fish also came up with some fairly catchy music on their early records before devolving into a boring band rehashing the same old sounds and ideas. On Flinch, they"ve come up with some infectious ska grooves on songs like "T.V. Dinner," "Dividing Lines," and "Media Men." The lyrics are all pretty thought-provoking, if not always clear. Singer Dick Lukas mixes plenty of politics, a little bit of philosophy, a hint of punk rock attitude, and no shortage of opinion in his songs, which are always dense with words. Sometimes he tells a story, while other times he discusses a subject in the simple punk rock manner of saying this is the case about (animal abuse, TV culture, etc.) and we oppose it because of (blah, blah, etc.). Occasionally, he"ll take on a subject from a more abstract point of view. While the music is quite enjoyable on Flinch, on subsequent Citizen Fish records it became monotonous, as this once-inspiring band became a depressing one. ~ Adam Bregman, All Music Guide