Land of Giants: Where No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Price 10.15 - 12.06 USD
The best of Steve Lopez"s Inquirer columns are now together in a wonderful book. Now you can share Steve"s refreshingly candid views in one volume. See for yourself why his readers love him and his targets wish he were almost anywhere else. One of the guiding principles of the column for Steve Lopez is: "H. L. Mencken once described his mission as a journalist this way: Confort the afflicted, afflict the confortable. Obviously, my goal hasn"t been that noble, or even close to it. Sometimes the idea was just to tell a story, or have some fun. But the Mecken line has been something of a guiding principle for me. So has the idea that a column be a tool against ignorance and hyprocrisy, whether written from a street corner in Philadelphia, the halls of Congress, or a battlefield in Bosnia. Part of what a column should do, it seems to me, is hold people up to their potential. To remind them not just what it is, but what can be."