Helpers on the Other Side (Lyrics included with album)
Price 11.69 - 14.77 USD
2010 release from the Bay Area Prog Acid Punk rockers. Adding flourishes to the formula established on their debut Out of Africa, Triclops! continues its assault on all pretenders to the Punk/Psych/Prog throne. The sound on this album is varied, but one might say it"s akin to Firehose crossing streams with Goblin in an acid vat. There"s even an acoustic bridge in "With SARS, I"ll Ride the Wind" that sounds like a fever-warbled Classic Rock jammer. Triclops! is an Acid-Punk version of avant-garde classical composition with cinematic textures--an absurdist soundscape replete with comedic relief that acknowledges its own pure ridiculousness.