Dvoretsky"s Endgame Manual (Paperback)
Price 23.75 - 34.95 USD
A Modern Classic - Third Edition! When it first appeared, Dvoretsk"s Endgame Manual was immediately recognized by novice and master alike as one of the best books ever published on the endgame. The third edition, revised and enlarged - now over 400 pages - covers all the most important concepts required for endgame mastery. "I am sure that those who study this work carefully will not only play the endgame better, but overall, their play will improve. One of the secrets of the Russian chess school is now before you, dear reader! - From the Foreword to the First Edition by Grandmaster Artur Yusupov "Going through this book will certainly improve your endgame knowledge, but just as important, it will also greatly improve your ability to calculate variations… What really impresses me is the deep level of analysis in the book… All I can say is: This is a great book. I hope it will bring you as much pleasure as it has me. - From the Preface to the First Edition by International Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard Here"s what they had to say about the First Edition: "Dvoretsky"s Endgame Manual ... may well be the chess book of the year... [It] comes close to an ultimate one-volume manual on the endgame. - Lubomir Kavalek in his chess column of December 1, 2003 in the Washington Post. "Dvoretsky"s Endgame Manual is quite simply a masterpiece of research and insight. It is a tremendous contribution to endgame literature, certainly the most important one in many years, and destined to be a classic of the literature (if it isn"t already one). The famous trainer Mark Dvoretsky has put together a vast number of examples that he has not only collected, but analysed and tested with some of the world"s strongest players. This is a particularly important book from the standpoint of clarifying, correcting, and extending the theory of endings. Most of all, Dvoretsky"s analysis is staggering in its depth and accuracy. - John Watson, reviewing DEM at The Week In Chess 2003 Book of the Year - JeremySilman.com 2003 Book of the Year - Seagaard Chess Reviews: "This is an extraordinary good chess book. To call this the best book on endgames ever written seems to be an opinion shared by almost all reviewers and commentators. And I must say that I am not to disagree." - Erik Sobjerg