Adirondack Roots (NY): Stories of Hiking, History and Women

Price 15.67 - 19.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781609493646

Roots bind people to the Adirondack Mountains. In this rich and diverse collection, local author Sandra Weber celebrates this enduring bond with the region and explores its roots and routes--such as women"s feats, the naming of mountain peaks and the fight to save forests and tiny alpine plants. From Heart Lake and Caribou Pass to Mount Marcy and Lake Tear, ride an Olympic bobsled run, unearth the destruction of a devastating fire and learn the healing powers of the mountains. Retrace the paths of Theodore Roosevelt, Martha Reben, Edwin Ketchledge, Grace Hudowalski and many others who have lived and loved the Adirondacks. Discover hikers" tales, nature"s secrets and local legends in this collection of Weber"s finest reflections on Adirondack history and adventure.