The Leader Phrase Book: 3000+ Powerful Phrases That Put You In Command
Price 11.76 - 13.87 USD
"This refreshing and practical tool will help to enlarge, promote, and articulate the world of communication." --Cristina Roggero, Pepperdine University professor of literature "An indispensable tool to help you become quickly fluent in phrases that put you ahead in the marketplace." --Tony Azar, Homeland Security Chief Engineer "The Leader Phrase Book is a must read for anyone who wants to move ahead in business." --Jami Levesque, technical director of 300 and Transformers 3 The Leader Phrase Book contains more than 3,000 dynamic phrases that will enable you to prevail in virtually all of life"s important ituations. You will be in command of your words and always stay ahead of the game. With this passport to success, you will begin a new journey on which you are among the charismatic, the untouchable...the elite. This easy-to-use reference book will give you a new image you can take pride in helping you to quickly reach your full leadership potential. You will have all the weapons to effectively succeed whenever vibrant, forceful language is required. It works like magic! The Leader Phrase Book will teach you how to: Speak like a leader Master all conversations Attain a charismatic presence Gain the respect of others Achieve a lightning-fast rhetoric Find the right phrases instantly Argue effectively Be the envy of all you meet The Leader Phrase Book is the culmination of ten years of Patrick"s personal research on how leaders communicate. It is the summation of his efforts to share one of the most invaluable skills in life: "how to put yourself in command."