Britten: Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo; Winter Words; Who are these Children; etc.
Price 9.79 - 24.08 USD
The names of Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears are forever linked by their personal and creative partnership. Composer and interpreter have rarely enjoyed so long-standing or fruitful relationship. They met and became friends in 1937 while going through the papers of a mutual friend who had accidentally died. Within a couple of years, they had established a relationship that would last a lifetime and embrace virtually all aspects of their lives. These seminal recordings include the first release on CD of Who are these Children?, Tit for Tat and When the cock begins to crow, and re-introduces after a long absence from the catalogue, the Michelangelo Sonnets and Winter Words. A bonus is the only song from On this island that Pears/Britten recorded for Decca - "Let the florid music praise".