Earthship: How to Build Your Own, Vol. 1

Price 29.75 - 35.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780962676703

This "how-to" manual, written by Taos, New Mexico architect Michael Reynolds, author of "A Coming of Wizards" (High Mesa Press, 1989), is a detailed step by step description of alternative solar building techniques evolved by Reynolds for over 20 years. These center around building with automobile tires aluminum cans to produce an economical, ecologically efficient structure, simple enough for anyone to do themselves. Media attention has fostered a landslide of information requests on these methods from every state in the nation, as well as Canada, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Africa New Zealand. The writing of "Earthship" has been the outcome of this. Designed to answer all questions literally make building your own affordable solar home of recycled materials a reality, the text is basic understandable to the average non-builder, is densely illustrated with hundreds of diagrams. This book gives people of all ages, skills, locations financial levels the capability to get out from under high costs of housing utilities, by building their own "Earthship", unique beautiful buildings that heat cool themselves. National global implications for conservation of resources, housing humanity in affordable, environmentally appropriate structures are endless with these techniques.