SCM Core Text: Theological Ethics
Price 36.00 - 77.00 USD
The SCM Core Text "Theological Ethics" is intended for those studying Christian ethics at upper undergraduate level. The book offers a discussion of Christian moral thought in a variety of key areas. Many discussions of ethics start by considering particular issues. By contrast, this book gives a presentation of the patterns and traditions of thought that lie behind some of these discussions, in the hope that this will enable particular issues to be fully understood. The book begins by asking "What is Theological Ethics?" and proceeds to introducing different approaches to Ethics, Ethics in the Catholic and Protestant traditions and subjects such as Sin, Grace and Free Will (Augustine), Natural Law and the Human Good (Thomas Aquinas), Virtue, Conscience and Love. Everyone studying theology, whether in a ministerial or a university context, has to study Ethics and this is an accessible and student-friendly textbook on the subject.