One Final Firecracker (Hamlet Chronicles)

Price 15.30 - 17.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780618274802

It’s the last day of school in Hamlet, Vermont . . . and the last day the Copycats and Tattletales will have Miss Earth as their teacher. But there’s too much going on to be sad. The Sinister Sisters Circus is in town . . . then comes Miss Earth’s wedding to Mayor Grass . . . and then the Fourth of July! Meanwhile, the mysterious pull Hamlet seems to have on supernatural creatures is hard at work. The beings from the previous books are making their way back into town—the Flameburpers Beatrice and Amos (who technically never left); Rhoda, one of the Four Stupid Cupids; all five of the Five Alien Elves; Baby Tusker from Six Haunted Hairdos; and perhaps most sinisterly, Hubda, the last remaining Siberian Snow Spider. Chaos ensues as the students struggle to keep the various visitors hidden. Meanwhile, Hubda lurks, waiting for the chance to deliver her deadly bite. Don’t miss this satisfying, out-of-this-world wrap-up to a beloved series.