The Complete Jack the Ripper a to Z (Hardcover)

Price 25.16 - 27.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781844547975

Written by three of the world"s leading authorities on the case, this book takes a completely objective look at theories old and new, describes all the key Ripper books, and gives brief biographies of many of the authors. It includes an entry for almost every person involved in the case, from suspects and witnesses to policemen and journalists, plus the ordinary people who became caught up in the unfolding drama. Whether one is new to the mystery of Jack the Ripper or an experienced Ripperologist, this compendium will keep your turning the pages. As for the more prominent players caught up in the drama of the Whitechapel murders, the research into the lives of the victims has been extraordinary and has unearthed, for example, a photograph of Annie Chapman thought to be the only surviving nonmortuary photograph of a Ripper victim. Also included are photographs of Michael Ostrog and the mad butcher Joseph Isenschmidt, and several new photographs of policemen.