Price 12.99 - 14.70 USD
Comprised of all the members of Neurosis and additional musicians, Tribes of Neurot examines many of the same concepts and emotions as Neurosis, but from a radically different perspective. Their music also seethes and boils with end-of-the-world tension, but in contrast to Neurosis"s apocalyptic furor, Tribes of Neurot"s work is full of filtered soundscapes, organic textures and melodic noise. Instead of blasting the senses, Tribes of Neurot creeps around them like a complex mist that finds its way into the interstices of consciousness; they engage in guerilla tactics rather than full-scale assault. Tribes of Neurot"s dense, brooding atmospheres of sound are sophisticated, challenging works that can play tricks on your subconscious. Neurot. 2005.