Fries, Thighs, And Lies: The Girlfriends" Guide to Getting the Skinny on Fat

Price 12.70 - 14.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781591201946

In this lively, contemporary book aimed squarely at women, author and clinical nutritionist Deborah Arneson fixes her sights on fat and the lies surrounding it. Her stated purpose, to put fun in nutrition, makea the case, often humorously, that many of the dictums of dieting are just plain wrong. Her direct, no-nonsense talk about what works and what doesn"t makes for an entertaining take on a (literally) deadly serious subject-the ineffective-at-best, disastrous-at-worst methods being promoted for dieting and weight loss. Her oft-repeated point-that it"s fat women want to lose, not weight-is butressed by her extensive knowledge of nutrition and her more than twenty years of expericence in the field. "Fries, Thighs, and Lies" is written to demystify what Arneson refers to as myth-information, from the food pyramid (beware, she says, it"s making you fat), to the wrongheaded low-carbohydrate, hight-protein craze, or the amount of water you should drink. There"s no technical jargon to wrestle down here, and gone are any traces of new, confusing-to-learn terms. What"s left are easty-to-access, easily understood information, insights, hints, and tips to empower the reader in her battle against the bulge. Added to this self-help treasure trove are case histories of people who found success by following Arneson"s program specifically for them. A detailed glossary expands on subjects in the book and includes precise,helpful food logs for intakes of 800 to 2500 calories daily. This short, pithy book doesn"t waste your time, but it will help you waste your excess fat.