Solidworks for Technology and Engineering (Mixed media product)

Price 64.25 - 74.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780831134518

This unique text presents a thorough introduction to SolidWorks for students with little or no prior experience. It can be used in virtually any educational setting -- from four-year engineering schools to community colleges and voc/tech schools to industrial training centers -- and will also serve as a reliable reference for on-the-job use or as a self-study manual. The authors have carefully arranged the contents in a clear and logical sequence and have used many hundreds of visuals instead of wordy explanations. Several learning aids have been designed throughout. FEATURES -Good graphical displays rather than long text and definitions are emphasized. -Key definitions are boxed in. -Examples provide step by step instructions with excellent graphical displays. -Needless cross-referencing has been eliminated. Each example is presented with all explanations appearing on the same page. -Exercises are presented at the ends of chapters. -A CD provided with the text contains files that are keyed in sequence to the selected examples. Students can follow interactively when learning the procedure with the concepts presented in the text. Table of Contents Introduction to SolidWorks. The SolidWorks User Interface. Creating 2D Sketches on Reference Planes. Advanced Sketch Tools. Creating Extrude, Fillet and Hole Features. Producing 2D Engineering Drawings from 3D Solid Parts. Creating Shell Draft and Rib Features. Patterns, Mirror Features and the Hole Wizard. Creating Sweep, Curve and Loft Features. Creating Assemblies. Producing 2D Engineering Drawings from 3D Solid Assemblies. Animation. Configurations. Design Stress Analysis with SimulationXpress. Appendix A: Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) Exam. Appendix B: Customizing.