Carlo Broschi detto Farinelli: Il Quaderno dell"Imperatrice (Mix Album, Lyrics included with album)
Price 14.99 - 19.06 USD
Carlo Broschi, better known as Farinelli, who had been performed in a recent movie directed by Gérard Corbiau "Farinelli, the Queen Voice", had easily gained great popularity and fame through the centuries just like very well known composers as Paganini, or Liszt. His great knowledge in music was enhanced in the Neapolitan society of the 18th century which was increasingly blooming as far as Art, Music and Culture in general is concerned. Naples as cross-roads for Artists, Musicians and Intellectuals from all over Europe. Right here the young Carlo Broschi studied at the well known singing school with Nicola Porpora, at that time a cradle of many talented Artists and in 1720 his first debut with "Angelica and Medoro" an opera written by his teacher. Right after that performance he had been gaining increasing success and standing ovations. He started frequenting the high society of the most important European sovereigns. He had also great influence on public life of that time, by "sponsoring" Italian music as much as possible. After such hectic life, he then retired in his residence in Bologna where he started receiving visits of very important personages. as the young Mozart and the Emperor Joseph the Second from Austria. The five Arias included in this worldpremiere release have all been composed by paying homage to Maria Teresa from Austria, the Empress of the Holy Roman Empire, who has always admired and enhanced Art and Music and whose autograph is preserved at the National Library in Vienna. The five Arias you may enjoy listening to, have been forwarded to the Empress on March the 30th, 1753 and were named "The Empress" Notebook". These Arias are of very high value in music, since they can be considered as the spiritual testament of a real Virtuoso. Indeed Carlo Broschi Farinelli influenced many works at that time, thanks to his great personality and composing style. A legend to be still celebrated, a true lifestyle lesson.