Mastering Immigration & Naturalization Records (Quillen"s Essentials of Genealogy)
Price 7.79 - 9.40 USD
This second in Cold Spring Press"s new "Quillen"s Essentials of Genealogy" gets to the heart of what genealogical research is for most Americans: hitting the shores of the Atlantic Ocean looking east to the UK and Europe as they begin their search for their ancestors. Largely a nation populated by European immigrants from the 17th through early 20th centuries, immigration and naturalization records is often just the source needed to locate important genealogical information. "Mastering Immigration & Naturalization Records" will cover the following topics: -- What are Immigration Records?; -- What is the genealogical value of Immigration Records?; -- Where do I find Immigration Records?; -- How to locate Naturalization Records; -- Genealogical value of naturalization records.