The Lieder Anthology High Voce Ed. V Saya and R. Walters, The Vocal Library
Price 13.88 - 19.99 USD
(Vocal Collection). This edition presents 65 diverse songs by major composers of German art song, or lieder, and is the perfect one-volume lieder source for voice students. All the songs are new Vocal Library editions. Historical notes about the relevant history and background of each song are included, as are line-by-line translations for study. A select committee of experienced voice teachers was consulted to choose the most essential and vocally instructive songs in compiling this collection. Composers represented: Beethoven, Brahms, Franz, Gustav Mahler, Alma Mahler, Fanny Hensel, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Schubert, Clara Schumann, Robert Schumann, Strauss, Wolf. Co-editor Dr. Virginia Saya, on the faculty of Loyola Marymount University, is a musicologist with a special interest in lieder. This collection includes the first American edition of Funf Ophelia Lieder by Brahms. 288 pages, sewn binding.