Combined-Cycle Gas & Steam Turbine Power Plants, 3rd Edition
Price 66.00 - 99.00 USD
The third edition of this textbook on combined-cycle power plants has been revised to include the latest technologies as well as new climate change advances such carbon dioxide capture and storage, integrated gasification combined-cycle plants (IGCC) and return-on-investment for combined-cycle technologies. Kehlhofer (founder and managing partner, The Energy Consulting Group, Zurich), Rukes (plant design and development, Siemens), Hanneman (head of engineering, Siemens Fuel Gasification Technology) and Stirnimann (senior consultant, The Energy Consulting Group, Zurich) provide students, engineers and researchers with a thorough survey of the electricity market, combined-cycle concepts, control and automation, environmental concerns, developmental trends and typical operations in a combined-cycle plant. Appendices include conversion tables, a list of symbols and a calculation of the operating performance of combined-cycle installations. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (