
Price 10.49 - 14.62 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 39841492620

Featuring two of the most revered talents in extreme METAL, Fleshwrought is the brainchild of ANIMOSITY guitarist NAVENE KOPERWEIS and JOB FOR A COWBOY"S vocalist/lyrcist JOHNNY DAVY. The artists combined sales in US totals almost 200,000 units, putting their collaborative effort, FLESHWROUGHT, in the hot seat as a release that both fans of JOB FOR A COWBOY and ANIMOSITY will sure to be adding to their collections. Musically, KOPERWEIS wrote and performed every instrument on DIMENTIAIDYSLEXIA and that brutal cohesion of the music set the table for DAVY1s unique signature approach to lyrics and vocal style. With KOPERWEIS navigating this particular METAL journey, he has laid down unique, aggressive and progressive tracks inclusive of melodic passages, face-melting shredding guitars, pummeling drums, sound effects, saxophones and very special attention to dramatic detail, all of which creates an atmosphere for DAVY to operate his oral weaponry.The combination is devastating and enlightening with the most satisfaction, for the listener being the realization that vou have just heard somethinq uniquely original.