California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach

Price 61.70 - 88.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780495913450

Taking a unique nuts-and-bolts approach, the concise CALIFORNIA POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT: A PRACTICAL APPROACH, 11E, gives students insight into real-life politics as it vividly illustrates the complex principles at work in state government. Current examples -- including analysis of the 2010 gubernatorial race -- and clear explanations give students a solid understanding of the ins and outs of the California government. Thoroughly updated, the new edition addresses many complex economic, social, education, and immigration issues and their impact on state politics. The eleventh edition includes new court cases, updates on the ongoing budget crisis, coverage of the 2010 elections, changes in government regulations, and more. In addition, public policy coverage is thoroughly integrated throughout the text, helping students make connections and see firsthand the impact and practical applications of government and legislation on their own lives. Clear, concise, and straightforward, CALIFORNIA POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT: A PRACTICAL APPROACH, 11E, equips students with a solid understanding of how government and politics really work as well as how they affect the students" world, now and in the future.