SAT United States History (SAT PSAT ACT (College Admission) Prep)

Price 14.40 - 16.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780738602950

Taking the SAT* United States History Subject Test?Then You Need REA"s Test Prep for SAT* Subject Test: United States HistoryOur bestselling SAT* Subject Test: United States History test prep includes a comprehensive review of the Colonial Period, the American Revolution, the Civil War and Reconstruction, World War I and World War II, American Imperialism, the Cold War and more. Each chapter contains examples and practice questions that help you study smarter and boost your test score.The book includes 6 full-length practice tests that replicate the exam"s question format. Each practice test comes with detailed explanations of answers to identify your strengths and weaknesses. We don"t just say which answers are right - we also explain why the other answer choices are incorrect - so you"ll be prepared.The book also includes study tips, strategies, and confidence-boosting advice you need for test day.This test prep is a must for any high school student taking the SAT* United States History Subject Test!