Lost Survivor: The Novel of a Black Soldier"s Journey to Vietnam and Back

Price 14.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780975884065

Written from a black man’s point of view, this human drama encompasses the paradoxes of being a soldier in war and a civilian returned to society. A hard-working, God-fearing 25-year-old when he left his home to fight in Vietnam, Johnny Douglas said goodbye to his mother and wife and promised he would return—alive and well—in a year. But 13 months in the jungles of Vietnam took a toll, and in a world of kill-or-be-killed, nothing could have prepared Johnny for the brutality he faced. Upon his return to the United States, his family soon recognizes that wartime survival comes at a price as the once-clear distinction between the streets of home and the jungles of Vietnam become blurred and war rages inside Johnny’s head.