Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Complete Guide to Acupressure, Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Food Cures and Qi Gong
Price 14.17 - 19.95 USD
Traditional Chinese medicine aims to restore harmony to the body, mind, and spirit by balancing Yin and Yang and regulating the vital energy (Qi) that flows through us. This comprehensive encyclopedia, edited by a world-famous authority and written by a panel of eminent experts, provides in-depth analysis of this popular holistic healing system. It examines the history and philosophy of Chinese medicine; the causes of disease; herbal and food therapies; and self-care, including qi gong, t"ai chi, acupressure, and acupuncture, along with recipes and advice on treating a range of problems naturally. The late Barbara Bernie, named the ?Mother of Chinese Medicine in the United States? by the American Institute of Chinese Medicine, has written the introduction.