The Nature of Health: How America Lost, and Can Regain, a Basic Human Value
Price 42.75 - 51.55 USD
Certain to be controversial is the argument that public money should not be spent on medical services after a person reaches his/her expected life expectancy. While not invoking Soylent Green-type recycling of the elderly, Dr. Fine (a primary-care physician/community organizer) and Peters (a former healthcare administrator/writer who is a patient of Dr. Fine"s) argue that America needs to treat its dysfunctional healthcare system by redefining health as: "the ability to have relationships, not the demand of living forever...." Their proposed funding model combines modified medical savings accounts with a population-based primary-care structure. The book includes clinical stories of patients and references, but is not indexed. Published by Radcliffe Publishing, UK, and distributed in the US by BookMasters. Annotation ©2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (