Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell
Price 8.06 - 9.15 USD
Season of Mist presents another milestone in the darkwave & gothic genres! This legendary demo has been completely revised by Anna-Varney Cantodea, aka Sopor Aeternus, alongside John A. Rivers (DEAD CAN DANCE) to sound deep, dark and incredible. Powerful rock drums, heavy brass sections, eerie string arrangements, playful harpsichords and impish cascades of percussion abound. Witness the ghost-like dance that sways to the sullen rhythms of this unique music. Leading the procession is the most versatile voice in the underground, the iconic high priestess of goth, Anna-Varney Cantodea. The stunning 28 page booklet features sinister artwork by the renown Vienna based artist, Joachim Luetke.