Halloween Sound Effects (Empire Musicwerks)

Price 6.49 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 654545085925

If you really want to have fun on Halloweenwhy not try and scare the living daylights out of your friends and neighbors?You know they"ll howl with fright and delight as you summon up the ghostsof ancient spirits with this amazing collection of scary and fun sound effects.Wild wolves howl, goblins giggle, owls hoot and witches wail. Perfect to slipin your portable boom box when you"re out on your trick or treat route -positively guaranteed to surprise the neighbors....or why not throw your ownHalloween party? This wonderful collection has over 100 entertaining effectsto keep the party going right up till the stroke of midnight. And it won"t costyou an arm and a leg - that is unless the werewolves get you...... Over 100 sound effects Digitally remastered - remarkably vivid stereo sound Includes bonus MP3s of all the effects