One Direction A-z (Paperback)

Price 11.63 - 12.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781843583783

A is for ... Audience. Read all about the ups and downs of One Direction"s nerve-racking X-Factor auditions and how each of them went from solo hopefuls to fully-fledged boy band B is for ... Boot camp. Find out about the behind-the-scenes gossip during X-Factor book camp auditions, from their crippling stage fright through to the moment One Direction found out they"ll be heading to Simon Cowell"s house in Marbella for the last round of auditions. C is for ... Cher Lloyd. Read all about the "Zain and Cher" rumors and what the boys really think of their fellow finalists. This is the must have book for any One Direction fan.