Conversations on Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy:The Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Monograph Series: Volume Five

Price 20.40 - 22.11 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781891278570

Brand Bertrams

This short book presents a series of animated conversations about aspects of Nordoff Robbins music therapy by two experienced practitioners and teachers. One of the authors, Rachel Verney, was trained directly by Paul Nordoff and conveys through these conversations both the craft and the vision of his pioneering work. Whilst attempting to characterise the key principles and values of this approach, the conversations are also questioning and sometimes iconoclastic, teasing out both the subtleties and the mysteries of the work. The book is direct and personal; it conveys its ideas through plain language and vivid examples. Although the book is primarily addressed to music therapists with a working knowledge of Nordoff Robbins music therapy, it would also be of interest to any music therapist, and to anyone working musically with people. Clive Robbins writes in the Preface that there is nectar to drink in these pages.