Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection
Price 25.57 - 34.95 USD
Fibromyalgia, chronic myofascial pain from muscle trigger points, and chronic fatigue syndrome are often seen as interchangeable conditions. Nothing could be further from the truth--however, they do often coexist. Knowing what you have will help you in determining the right treatment. Written by a registered nurse with these three disorders, and a psychologist who has been treating chronic pain since 1994, this book presents an integrative approach. The authors understand these conditions are not curable, but they provide a thorough guide for treatment options that can benefit you. They answers questions like: How can I be more than a bystander in my own care? Why is proper documentation in my medical record important? How are FM, CFID and CMP different, how do they cross over and why should I know? What are common co-existing conditions and what conditions mimic or aggravate mine? How do I communicate my needs and symptoms successfully? Where is that word I had two seconds ago? What different forms of exercise are available for my specific needs? How do I write a poem or meditate and why is the feedback to my brain important? Why do some treatments make me worse when everyone swears they will make me better? What should I look for in the "right" doctor? What are my patient rights? What foods should I avoid, and why? Why should safe use of medications, herbal remedies and supplements concern me? Why can"t I sleep, what can I do? What is a flare, and how do I deal with crisis?" Why don"t my family and friends understand? How do I assess and document the effectiveness of treatments, and medications? What are the different types of bodywork, and who provides it? What are the dos and don"ts of exercise? How big is big brother? How can I help my doctor overcome fear of prescribing the medications I need? How do I write my thoughts and feelings down, and why is it important to me? How do I apply for the benefits I need, what are they looking for? What is an appeals process? How do I get my needs met at work? Why is nurturing my spiritual side important? How can I resist isolation and feel empowered? How do I accept what has happened to me and maintain forward momentum?