Race Appeal: How Candidates Invoke Race in U.S. Political Campaigns
Price 24.26 - 27.92 USD
In the evolving American political culture, whites and blacks continue to respond very differently to race-based messages and the candidates who use them. Race Appeal examines the use and influence such appeals have on voters in elections for federal office in which one candidate is a member of a minority group. Charlton McIlwain and Stephen Caliendo use various analysis methods to examine candidates who play the race card in political advertisements. They offer a compelling analysis of the construction of verbal and visual racial appeals and how the news media covers campaigns involving candidates of colour. Combining rigorous analyses with in-depth case studies--including an examination of race-based appeals in the historic 2008 presidential election--Race Appeal is a groundbreaking work that represents the most extensive and thorough treatment of race-based appeals in American political campaigns to date.