IMTEK Environmental 40910 Smelleze Eco Pet Litter Odor Removal Granules - 50 lb
Price 149.99 - 202.49 USD
Rabbit, hamster, mice, gerber, cat and other pet area odor problems usually result from ammonia, mercaptans, amines and skatole gases emitted from urine and feces. Most types of pet litter are not very effective at eliminating urine and fecal odors along with wetness and the resulting stench is discomforting to humans. Studies have shown that even low levels of ammonia are more than just a nuisance problem. It can cause airway defense mechanisms to be depressed, a higher rate of pneumonia, lower weight gains and damage to the respiratory tract.Smelleze® Pet Litter Deodorizer Granules were specially developed to absorb, neutralize and encapsulate offensive pet odors and moisture without masking them with fragrances. Smelleze® will truly eliminate pet odors, keep pet areas dry, reduce fly infestation and complement existing ventilation systems. This will create a cleaner, healthier, fresher smelling environment that will be appreciated by both humans and pets. Smelleze® will enable you to enjoy your pet while it controls undesirable odors and wetness.Smelleze® powder is non-toxic, safe, recyclable, natural, odorless, non-flammable and non-caustic. Smelleze® is an ideal environmentally friendly solution for eliminating noxious pet litter odors without adding pollutants to the air you breathe. It does not contain VOCs, harmful or ozone depleting chemicals and is especially beneficial for those suffering from allergies and chemical sensitivity. No fossil fuels are used in the production of Smelleze® odor control media.