Return to Pooh Corner
Price 11.49 - 11.98 USD
Here is a collection of some of my favorite children"s songs covering my many years of being a dad. I consider these mostly classic compositions, beautiful and simple; some written for movies, some haunting standards and a few written by contemporary singers for their own children. Of all the things my kids and I have done together, the quiet times of night-songs and bedtime snuggles will endure as my most precious memories. I can still see Crosby"s face as a little one begging me for "more, Daddy, more, more" of "Winnie The Pooh" (as he called it), or rocking Cody to "To-Ra-Loo-Ra" (if he didn"t fall asleep before we made it to his bedroom). And it"s not over yet. I"m still singing to Isabella and on into the future to Luke. And I"m loving it. They"re my best audience, even if my only applause is the deep slow breathing of a sleeping baby. Delicious. So at long last, the work of a lifetime. Here are the songs I sing to my children...should I say "part one"? - Kenny LogginsThis product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media."s standard return policy will apply.