Snapdragon Seeds Magic Carpet 550 Seeds
Price 1.49 USD
Annual (Although usually grown as an Annual, actually a tender Perennial that often over winters in climates as cold as USDA zone 5.) Blooms spring to early summer. 6 tall. Full sun. Magic Carpet Snapdragon is a dwarf variety in cheery shades of red, white, yellow, and pink. Its compact trailing habit makes it perfect for containers, border fronts, planter boxes, and even hanging baskets. A riot of color when planted as an annual groundcover! "Snaps" love cool weather. They bloom from late spring to early summer in cool climates and may even bloom in the fall if spent flowers are cut. In warm climates, they will bloom in winter through early spring (if planted in the fall). Prefers neutral ph soil that is well watered, but not soggy. Water from below and not overhead to prevent rust disease. Cut flower enthusiasts rejoice when "Snaps" begin to bloom - but children are equally impressed by pressing the flower sides together to make them "talk"!