U.S. Songs

Price 9.79 - 12.58 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 98796006825

Manufacture Revelation Records

Revelation: 68 The birth of Elliott was in the fall of "95 when guitarist Jay Palumbo left the band Empathy, moved to Louisville, and joined up with Chris Higdon (vox/ guitar) and Jonathan Mobley (bass). Higdon and Mobley had recently ended an accomplished run with the highly acclaimed band Falling Forward and been jamming with one another on an off since childhood. With the intention of sounding unlike a continuation of any of their previous hardcore bands, the threesome began writing and, with the temporary fill in drummer, soon recorded a 7" for Initial Records. The band"s sound was developing into one that was quite their own: an extremely textured combination of melodic hardcore, rock, and emo that hits you smack in the face one minute and sways you into a daydream the next. In the fall of "96 they enlisted drummer Kevin Ratterman and the true focus of Elliott began. Since then, Elliott have toured every inch of North America, building a substantial and loyal fanbase, playing on every type of bill imaginable. Metal/hardcore to alt/emo bands, Elliott have played with all of them and to much commendation. In fact, the band welcomes and often times prefers the opportunity to play with bands as dissimilar to them as possible. From the success of their debut 7" and the massive buzz that the band had created, the attention of Revelation Records was caught. Elliott"s Rev debut was recorded in two halves. One at Easley Studios in Memphis and the other at Rondor Studios in L.A. The two sessions were mastered together and melded into U.S. Songs which now has Elliott as a shoe-in to inherit the title of "best new band." The album is a masterpiece, displaying HigdonUs memorable, emotional vocals and the band"s talented songwriting capabilities. Higdon"s voice and the dynamics of Elliott"s music embody the band"s sound on U.S. Songs: melancholy and bliss simultaneously.