Kill It & Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish

Price 21.20 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780895261649

Here is the high-protein, high-octane "kill stuff, add fire, and enjoy" diet that has kept Ted Nugent fighting fit and his beautiful wife, Shemane, a svelte Queen of the Forest. Ted Nugent shares his favourite recipes for such exotic fare as wild boar, pheasant, buffalo and venison. The book is filled with hunting anecdotes, detailed instructions on cleaning and dressing your game, helpful hints for those new to hunting and cooking wild game, nutritional information, and over 50 recipes! And while Ted doesn"t buy his meat wrapped in plastic, there are plenty of recipes to tide you over when the hunting party comes home empty handed. Ted has a recipe for every meal and every occasion. This book is essential for the kitchen library -- and compelling entertainment as only the Nuge can deliver. Also includes some of Ted"s best hunting stories, as well as his essential advice on stalking, killing, cleaning, and preserving game.