The Verb to Bird (Hardcover)
Price 19.50 - 22.64 USD
?A delightfully literary and eclectic memoir about the manifold joys of birding.??The Bloomsbury Review All around the world, birds are the subject of intense, even spiritual, fascination, but relatively few people see the word bird as a verb. Peter Cashwell is one who does, and with good reason: He birds (because he can"t help it), and he teaches grammar (because he"s paid to). An English teacher by profession and an avid birder by inner calling, Cashwell has written a whimsical and critical book about his many obsessions ? birds, birders, language, literature, parenting, pop culture, and the human race. Cashwell lovingly but irreverently explores the practice of birding, from choosing a field guide to luring vultures out of shrubbery, and gives his own eclectic travelogue of some of the nation"s finest bird habitats. Part memoir, part natural history, part apology, The Verb "To Bird" will enlighten and entertain anyone who"s ever wandered around wet fields at the crack of dawn with dog-eared field guides crushed against the granola bars in their pockets. But you don"t have to know the field marks of an indigo bunting to appreciate Cashwell"s experiences with non-lending libraries, venomous insects, sports marketing, and animated Christmas specials. A Barnes & Noble "Discover Great New Writers" Selection for Summer 2003 A Summer Paperback Book Sense 76 Pick