Prenuptial Agreements: How to Write a Fair & Lasting Contract

Price 23.79 - 34.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781413307153

Write a prenuptial agreement and enter your marriage with eyes wide open. Marriage is one of the few personal contracts in which your state dictates the terms -- unless you create your own customized premarital agreement. Combining Nolo"s legal expertise and plain-English writing, Prenuptial Agreementsmakes a potentially touchy subject easy to deal with while explaining how to create a valid contract. This easy-to-read book covers: whether a prenup is right for your relationship how to decide what a prenup should include how to assemble a draft agreement how to turn your draft into a contract tips on negotiating and communicating The new 3rd edition of Prenuptial Agreements is completely revised and updated to reflect current state laws, plus worksheets are provided as tear-outs and on CD-ROM, as well as clauses for preparing an agreement that suits your unique needs. The CD-ROM that accompanies the printed version of this book includes forms or other tools; in this eBook, you"ll find all those documents in the appendix or at the back of the book.